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Empower Your Journey:

Invest in Your Health, Happiness, and Life Transformation

1 Session: $800 - BreakThrough Marathon Session

Addressing fears such as fear of flying, elevators, heights, or public speaking, these focused sessions typically involve a limited number of aspects and can often be resolved within a single session.

Designed as follow-up sessions for clients who have already tackled deeper issues through other programs, these sessions provide an opportunity to reinforce progress, address any emerging concerns, and refine coping strategies.

4 Sessions: $1999

Complex Fears and General Anxieties: These sessions involve delving into the root cause of fears and anxieties, requiring thorough exploration and transformation of underlying patterns.

Addictions (Deeply Ingrained Habits): Sessions for addressing addictions involve comprehensive strategies to disrupt triggering behaviors and potentially address root causes.

Old Pain Resolution: These sessions focus on releasing lingering emotional or physical pain that hinders enjoyment of life.

Inner Conflict Resolution: Sessions for addressing inner conflicts involve navigating conflicting desires or beliefs to find resolution and alignment.

Business Blockage Resolution: These sessions target overcoming procrastination, stagnation, and barriers to progress in business endeavors.

10 Sessions: $4499

PTSD and LAS Recovery Package: Tailored for individuals suffering from PTSD and LAS due to protracted litigations, this comprehensive package offers 10 sessions focused on trauma resolution and healing.

Food Therapy and Lifestyle Counseling Package: This package includes 10 sessions dedicated to food therapy and lifestyle counseling, empowering clients to make sustainable dietary and lifestyle changes for improved health and well-being.

Emotional Freedom Package: Designed to release trauma from childhood, genetic imprinting, and adult traumatic experiences, this package consists of 10 sessions aimed at emotional healing and empowerment.

Mental Fitness and Stress Relief Package: Offering tips, techniques, and strategies to enhance mental fitness and manage stress, anxiety, and worries, this package comprises 10 sessions geared towards promoting daily well-being and preventing burnout.

6-12 Months Coaching/Mentoring: $399/session paid quarterly

On-going, weekly coaching/mentoring, working the the challenges that arise

Food Therapy and Lifestyle Counseling Mentorship: Guidance and support in food therapy and lifestyle counseling, empowering you to make sustainable changes for improved health and well-being.

Emotional Freedom Mentorship: Releasing trauma from childhood, genetic imprinting, and adult traumatic experiences, this provides comprehensive support and strategies for emotional healing and empowerment.

Mental Fitness Mentorship: Designed to enhance mental fitness and manage stress, anxiety, and worries, this part of the mentoring program equips you with practical tips, techniques, and strategies for enjoying daily life and preventing burnout.

Private Session for Community Member: $400.00

Choose a problem/challenge you want to BreakThrough

Choose the Destination you would like to reach

Inner Conflict Resolution: Sessions for addressing inner conflicts involve navigating conflicting desires or beliefs to find resolution and alignment.

Business Blockage Resolution: These sessions target overcoming procrastination, stagnation, and barriers to progress in business endeavors.

Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD