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I continue to research, develop, create and share cutting edge strategies and techniques for personal empowerment, vibrant natural health and peak vitality, mental fitness, emotional freedom, successful and sustainable living for 21st Century challenges.

I offer private and group sessions, as well as live and online education.

3 Mottoes, regardless of the challenge:

When You Change Your Energy, You Change Your Destiny!

Don’t Break Down, BreakTHROUGH !

Live with Passion, Purpose and Delight!

Below: Education in BOLD characters. 

2023 - present: Taught a class From Food to Mood at Natural Grocers, Denver and will keep on teaching From Food to Mood live and online

2023: Reviewed my Course F.R.E.E.D.O.M.: Emotional Freedom - Mental Mastery

2023: HypnoThought Live in Las Vegas - Attended many classes in different aspects and types of hypnosis

2022: Kinetic Shift Certification with UK Hypnosis Academy

2021: EFT and Beyond 10-Module Course in French (Cours EFT) for Centre-Excellence, Paris, France

2021: Edited and Updated my book Eat Well, Live Well, with Energy, Vitality and Focus

2021: Certified in NLP Essentials - Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy

2021: Certified in Hypnosis - Mike Mandel Hypnosis Academy

2021: Developed a new program: From Weight Loss/Management to Vibrant Health

2020: Acquired and working with a SPOOKY2 + Central and MicroGen Energy Devices

2020: Edited the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Course with videos and interactive books


2020: Acquired and working with a HEALY Energy Device

2019: New Skills Academy Certifications-Refresher Courses

o- Psychology

o- CBT-Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

o- Advanced Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

o- Mental Health Awareness

o- Child Sexual Exploitation Awareness

o- Disability Awareness

o- Pet Psychology

o- Canine Communication

2019: Working as an ADAAA Advocate and PTSD/LAS (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/Legal Abuse Syndrome) Therapist offering Supportive/Restorative Health Empowerment for people going through litigation with visible or invisible disabilities

2018: Teaching a 10-week class Blueprint for Holistic Health at OLLI/UNLV for the summer semester and a 13-week class on the same subject for the fall semester

2018: Co-Creator of the PARENT EMPOWERMENT SUMMIT to encourage and inspire parents to create a healthy future for their children. For this project, I interviewed medical doctors, psychologists, therapists, nutritionists, investigative reporters and parents. Aired in June 2018.

2018: Was interviewed for 2 summits: Upward and Onward with Cancer Gut Health

2016 – Present: Attended and keep attending live and online summits (too numerous to list them all):

o- Children Health Defense with Robert Kennedy Jr. "Uniting to Create a Better World"

o- Transforming Aging

o- Plant Medicine

o- The Skinny on Fat

o- Relationship Psychotherapy

o- Truth About Cancer

o- Truth About Cancer Global Quest

o- The Truth About Vaccines

o- The Truth About Pet Cancer

o- Auto-Immune Diseases

o- Digestive Health

o- Diabetes

o- Live Longer, Feel Better

o-The Sacred Plant

2016: Lectures Given:

o- It’s about Love – Keynote for ASDO Caregiver Conference

o- From Food to Mood, How Nutrition Affects Behavior– for the Perry Foundation’s Quality Behavior Health for Residential Communities

o- Dealing with Anxiety, Depression, and Suicide– for the Perry Foundation’sQuality Behavior Health for Residential Communities

2015: Teaching online classes with Empowering Souls International

2015: Developed the online course Voyage (R)évolutionnaire vers l’Infini [(R)evolutionary Journey to the Infinite]

2014 – Developed the online course Autoguérison par l’imagerie guidée (Self-Healing with Guided Imagery)

2014 – Gave 7 webinars for Energie-Santé, a French online seminar group for Health and Wellness

2014 – Present: Teaching workshops to empower people to take their life back, to eat for health and to release emotional trauma

2014 – Attended live/online workshops from Apex Energetics

o- Brain-Immune Axis with Dr. Brandon Brock, MSN, NP-C, DC

o- Thyroid -Neuromusculoskeletal Connection with Dr. Datis Kharrazian, DC

o- Functional Blood Chemistry with Dr. Thomas Culleton, DC

2013 – Revised the HCG book; Translated the 5 Keys to Health and Vitality into French with the title Les 5 clés du bien-être sur la planète Terre

2012 – I was interviewed for the DVD 9/11, Explosive Evidence – Experts Speak Out and 9/11: The Demolition of Truth

2012 – Wrote 3 books, 3 self-help programs and 1 recorded 1 CD (of the 5 Keys to Thrive on Planet Earth):“

o- Overcoming Adversity and Thriving on Planet Earth

o- Jailed by Fraud – Book 1: The Journal

o- HCG –Information and Recipes

o- Key 1: Vibrant Health and Perfect Weight

o- Key 2: Emotional F.R.E.E.D.O.M.

o- Key 3: Mental Fitness Training

o- Key 4: Relax and Enter Your Magic Room, CD

2012 – Worked with World Wellness Group, a holistic clinic in Las Vegas

2012 – Present: Offering lectures on:

o- Psychoneuroimmunology

o- The Power of the Mind in Healing

o- Health and Imagination

o- The Placebo Effect

2009-2012 – President of the Institute of Quantum Healing and Biofeedback for Trauma Survivors, a non-profit organization dedicated to empowering survivors of chronic trauma (survivors of child abuse, domestic violence, legal abuse, wars,…) to lead meaningful and fulfilling lives by developing wholistic programs, training counselors and educating communities

2006: Certified in Protocols for Psycho-Legal Trauma by Dr. Karin Huffer, PhD/MFT, forensic psychologist

2006: Worked as a Professor of Quantum Naturopathy with the Academy of Energetic Sciences.

Developed the following online classes for Health Professionals:

o- Quantum Naturopathy (I, II and III)

o- Traditional Naturopathy (I and II)

o- Biofeedback

o- Nutrition and Movement

o- Traditional and Vibrational Medicine

2005-2006: Worked as a Professor of Quantum Naturopathy with IQBNM – Institute of Quantum Biofeedback Naturopathic Medicine. Developed and taught the following workshops to Health Professionals:

o- Energy Psychology

o- Health and Imagery

o- Quantum Learning

Prepared the following online classes (which were accredited by the ANMAB-American Naturopathic Medical Accreditation Board) for Health Professionals:

o- Anatomy and Physiology

o- History of Medicine and Naturopathy

o- Deontology

o- Health Education

o- Nutrition

2005 – Domestic violence and child custody evaluation – with Dr. Linda Barnard, PhD and CPPA-California Protective Parents Association

2005: Received CTN Certification (Certified Traditional Naturopath) from the ANCB Certification – American Naturopathic Certification Board

2004: Studied the Neuro Endocrine Immune Axis with Dr. Datis Kharrazian, DC from Apex Energetics – Education Services

2003-2004: Trained in Non-Pharmaceutical Approaches to Mental Disorders, by physicians, psychiatrists, dentists, biofeedback technicians with Safe Harbor

2002: Got my Biofeedback Certification by the Biofeedback Certification Board

2002 – Present: Using the EPFX- QXCI Quantum Biofeedback Device to analyze and balance energy disruptions

2001: Trained in C.O.R.E. – Causal O-Ring Electro-Dermal Evaluations and the Bio-Terrain System / Exploring Foundational Factors underlying the formation of Biological Terrain with Dr. Stephen Stiteler, O.M.D., L.Ac., D.Hom. of the Institute of BioTerrain Sciences

2000: I was elected President of MAFE-Marin County Female Executives, Marin County, California

1999: Became a Board Certified Naturopath with ANMCAB (American Naturopathic Medical Certification and Accreditation Board)

1999: Trained and Certified in Reiki I

1999 – Present: Teaching Energy Therapies and Mental Fitness Training Programs.

Developed the F.R.E.E.D.O.M. Workshop (Freedom and Release of Emotional and Energetic Disturbances Or Mental blocks)

1999 – Present: Trained and keep on studying and training in several Energy Psychology Techniques such as

o- Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy with Drs. David and Rebecca Grudermeyer

o- EFT-Emotional Freedom Techniques with Gary Craig

o- BSFF-Be Set Free Fast with Dr. Larry Nims, PhD

o- TAT-Tapas Acupressure Technique with Tapas Fleming…

o- and with many others

1999: Trained and certified in Comprehensive Energy Psychotherapy by Willingness Works, with Drs. David and Rebecca Grudermeyer, PhDs

1997-1998 – Trained in CranioSacral Therapy I and II with the Upledger Institute

1996 – Present: Naturopathic Consultant, Quantum & Traditional Naturopath, Health Educator specializing in Food Therapy, Detoxification (Homotoxicology), Trauma Release and Life BreakThroughs

1996 – 2000: Trained and certified as an InterActive Imagery Guide (1998) by the Academy for Guided Imagery, with Dr. Martin Rossman, MD and Dr. David Bresler, PhD. Courses included:

0- An Overview of Interactive Guided

o- Imagery Role of the Guide Advanced

o- Work with the Inner Advisor

o- Resistance and Parts Work

o- Polarities, and Conflict Resolution

o- InterActive Guided Imagery with Children

o- Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

o- Loss and Transformation: Physical, Chronic, and Life-Threatening Illness

o- Healing with Presence, Persuation, and PeptidesMind/Body/Spirit Medicine

o- Treating Depression

o- Preparing Patients for Surgery

1996 – Trained in Spirituality and Healing with Harvard Medical School

1996: Earned my PhD – Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Health degree, with High Honors, from the Clayton College of Natural Health*

1996: Trained in the PhotoReading Whole Mind System from Learning Strategies Corporation

1996: Trained in HoloEnergetics I and II with Dr. Leonard Laskow, MD

1996: Trained in Why People Don’t Heal with Caroline Myss

1996: Attended IAMB – International Academy of Modern BioEnergetics’s workshops:

o- Micro-Currents with Dr. Dennis Greenlee, DC1995

Attended IAMB – International Academy of Modern BioEnergetics’s workshops:

o- IBS – Integrated BioEnergetic Score with Dr. Dennis Greenlee, DC

o- Advanced Allergy and Metabolism with Dr. Roy Martina, MD

o- INTEGRA System- Modern BioEnergetics with Complex Homeopathic Support with Dr. Dennis Greenlee, DC

1994: Earned my ND – Doctor of Naturopathy degree, with Highest Honors, from the Clayton College of Natural Health*

1985: 1 year of studies in Healing, Faith and the Bible with RHEMA Bible School

1977: Trained in the Silva Mind Control Technique in Paris, France

1972 to 1977: Got certifications in Grapho-Morpho-Psychology by the Institut Français de Culture Humaine in Paris, France and was mentored in psychology and psychoanalysis by Dr. Christophe Baroni, PhD, founder of the Center of Research in Psychology and Psychoanalysis. Specific training in:

o- Children’s Drawings

o- The Family Unit

o- Dreams with their Value and Interpretation

o- The Evolution of Intelligence

o- Relaxation Techniques

o- Symbolism in Fables

o- Language and Communication in Interpersonal Relationships

o- Freud –Adler –Jung

o- Introduction to Graphology

o- Neurosis and Psychosis

o- Psychosomatic Medicine

o- Psychoanalysis

o- Adolescence today

o- Sexology

I also attended workshops in psychoanalysis with the Académie de Psychologie Appliquée, Zurich, Switzerland

* Although the Clayton College of Natural Health has fallen into disrepute, it was one of the best distance learning colleges of naturopathy at the time, the only one accredited by the WHO-World Health Organization, reason for which I chose it. The curriculum was tough and comprehensive.

I, Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD, am NOT a licensed medical doctor or psychologist. I do NOT diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. My goal is to educate people on how to maintain their health, and to balance their energy system.

If you are facing any medical challenges, consult a qualified medical doctor, whom I will be happy to work with, offering complementary services.  

Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD