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When Life Knocks You Down,

Rise Up Stronger and More Powerful!


Fear, Confusion, Discouragement, Burnout and Suicides Are Rampant. Let's Change That!

I grew up in a loving family in Switzerland. My childhood heroes were

Heidi and Pollyanna, and I saw the world through rose-colored glasses.

In 1979, I settled in the US, and my life took a dark turn.

In my 30s, I became bedridden, suffered from depression and hallucinations,

was isolated, abused, and trapped in a cult.

It went further: I spent six months in maximum security for a crime I did not commit.

I had to put aside my rose-colored glasses and face the reality: evil does exist.

I recovered and emerged stronger, now equipped to offer comprehensive support to

others feeling stuck, facing legal abuse, or suffering from abusive situations.


Let Me Empower YOU to Confront Your Challenges, Heal Past Trauma, Catch a New Vision, and BECOME THE HERO OF YOUR OWN STORY!

Legal Abuse Is Real

I was interviewed by Tina Lynn and Joe Huggins regarding Legal Abuse, which I went through during a divorce and custody battle that lasted 16-years, during which I ended in jail, in maximum security, for 6-months for a crime I had not committed.

Later, Dr. Huffer and I co-created a support group in Las Vegas, for people suffering from Legal Abuse Syndrome (a term coined by the late Dr. Karin Huffer, a forensic psychologist).

In our group, we had people who had been wrongfully terminated from employment, elder abuse cases, HOA conflicts, probate and more.

Check my book, Yes, YOU Can Recover from LAS/PTSD

Get the Navigation Tools You Need to Survive then Thrive

In whatever circumstance you find yourself in, have the tools that will empower you to navigate to higher grounds, find meaning and fulfilment, and


45+ years of Training, Research and Experience

Lead Me to Develop 5 KEYS for TRANSFORMATION,

at a Body-Mind-Soul-Spirit Level, Enabling People to BECOME INDEPENDENTLY HEALTHY

KEY #1 opens the door to Natural Health

to Maintain/Restore Health and Wellness

Your body, the vehicle which takes you from conception to death, needs to be taken care of for best “mileage”.

The basic principles of a healthy lifestyle:

~ Food (nutrition and nourishment) 

~ Cleansing and detoxing safely

~ Movements and exercises for your lifestyle

~ Using the power of nature to restore high energy and balance

~ Sunshine, Rest, Relaxation, Socialization, Fun...

Get my book for an easy start: Eat Well, Live Well, With Energy, Vitality and Focus

KEY #2 opens the door to

Emotional Freedom and Mastery

Master your emotions by releasing old programming and patterns that do not serve you any longer.

Make room for WHO YOU TRULY ARE.

Painlessly let go of fears, phobias, addictions, traumas, grief.

Break free of disempowering beliefs and emotionsAs a side-effect, lingering aches and pains could potentially vanish.

Let emotions flow, as water flows.

Online Course - Click Here

KEY #3 opens the door to

Mental Fitness

Are you the slave or the master of your mind?

Take 90-second breaks to refresh, rejuvenate and set goals.

Sharpen your conscious mind so that it can direct your subconscious mind.

Retrain your brain to do your bidding.

Use innovation or a tiny-step approach to accomplish big goals/

KEY #4 opens the door to

The Power of the Mind in Healing

Be guided and dive deep into the sub/unconscious mind, so you can bring back pearls of wisdom... Rise above your challenges to get a bird's eye view

Retrieve patterns and programming that no longer serve you and delete or transform them.

Change the meaning of the stories you tell yourself.

Dialogue with your symptoms and your challenges to get the wisdom you need to overcome them.

Tap into the power of “the field” to get ideas, wisdom and the energy to propel you forward

Let me be Your Guide!

KEY #5 opens the door to

Love, Life and Miracles

Where Science meets Spirit

Your world may be turned upside-down with the new discoveries in quantum physics.

It can be scary, but also quite exciting.

These new discoveries are revolutionizing our concept of space and time.

When you vibrate at the “love frequency” and you are WHO YOU TRULY ARE, you can expect miracles. Be ready to step into “another world” while journeying on Planet Earth.

Meaning and fulfillment await.

5 Keys to Journey from Where You Are to

Who You Truly Are

BE GUIDED and THRIVE on Planet Earth!

Dr. Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD, Professor of Traditional and Quantum Naturopathy

45+ Years of training and experience in Switzerland, France and the United States

Coach, facilitator, Certified ADA advocate, InterActive Imagery Guide, Hypnotist and PsychoLegal Trauma Therapist

Do-It-Yourself E-Learning Programs

Group and Personal Coaching

Workshops, Webinars

Corporate Training


  • Your Mind Learns Better When It Plays:

    Start With 3 Simple Techniques

    You can practice them where you want, when you want and with whom you want... or in secret.

  • As an educator, coach and trainer, I offer a cocktail of cutting edge strategies and techniques for personal development, stress and anxiety relief

  • I combine facets of Psychoanalysis, Energy Psychology, NLP-NeuroLinguistic Programming, InterActive Guided Imagery, Hypnosis, NeuroScience, Brain Plasticity, as well as elements of quantum science.

  • As a Phoenix Rising and Thriving, you will transcend a life of victimhood or setbacks to a life of victory, joy and efficiency.

  • To receive this free download, please fill up the form below.

    You will learn :

    1. A technique working with your imagination

    2. A technique to reduce an energetic and emotional charge

    3. A technique combining body and imagination to set a problem aside.

    Danielle J. Duperret, ND/PhD