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PNEI # 6 - Multi-Generational "Curses"

Last post struck a chord - Orwellian Wordplay - Replay of last Legacy Webinar - Hydroponics

As a general rule, the deepest pain a parent can feel is connected to the children they have lost—whether through abandonment or having them taken away. I can attest to the latter. I developed a “broken heart,” or in medical terms, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, when the court granted full custody of my children to their father, a pedophile.


Pro Choice, Pro Life... Whose Choice/Life Are We Talking About?

Did the polio vaccine eradicate polio? Hospitals going green? About Chronic Disease and Poisoned Food - RFK's Historical Speech

This part can be disturbing, and most people don’t want to know about it. So, brace yourself; this might be tough to process.

I have very strong feelings when it comes to abortions, as I watched the abortion of a 3-month old fetus via a CT scan (a CT (Computed Tomography) scan, also known as a CAT scan, is a non-invasive imaging test that uses X-rays and computer technology to produce detailed cross-sectional images of the body).


PNEI #5 - Take Care of Yourself and Your Environment

Medicine as we know it is fast being buried - Wonderful testimonial in financial health - Cymatics for Subscribers

According to Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona, MD, a psychiatrist, emergency room physician, mathematician, and shaman, disease does not occur in a vacuum. The environment plays a significant role—where we live, with whom we live, where and with whom we work, and our relationships with spouses, family, friends, and colleagues all contribute to our health.


PNEI # 4 - Arthritis

Fraud in the courts - Manipulated AI - Legacy Webinar on 8/20 - Tongue-in-Cheek

Let’s start with JOY! In these times, it's more important than ever to find something that brings joy into our lives—every day!

For me, that joy comes from reading (non-fiction), researching, and gaining insights. Those ah-ha moments are what light up my life.

As you know from the pictures I’ve shared, I love spending time in nature. Here are some photos from last Sunday at the Rocky Mountain Wildlife Refuge.


PNEI # 3, Deja Vu, Marijuana and more

Homeschooling-Unschooling - How People Have Grown to a 6-Figure Income with an Automated System

I've faced digestive problems since birth. At the time, food sensitivities weren't well understood, and I happened to be sensitive to cow's milk. Since my mother couldn’t breastfeed, she eventually settled on goat's milk for me.

When I was 2 ½ years old, I ate some cigarettes that were left on a table. By whom? I’m not sure—my parents didn’t smoke. This led to an inflamed gut, and I ended up in the hospital. Back then, it was believed to be safer to remove the appendix in such cases, so I lost mine.


PNEI 2 - Horseback Riding

Legacy Webinar Replay - Blue Zones

Most people are unaware that our emotions, especially those buried during childhood to help us cope with difficult situations, can be a root cause of disease. The good news is that it’s quite possible to change this “programming,” even “content free.”

Let’s talk about cancer in general and the potential “programming” that may need to be released:


What Is PNEI-PsychoNeuroEndocrinoImmunology

Holistic Health Includes Financial Health

Curious About a Big Word?

That’s a big word that keeps popping up in the newsletters, books, and articles I read every day. Once a nerd, always a nerd—I love to study. But what does that word mean?

Let’s break it down:

  • Psycho refers to your psyche, which includes your emotions, feelings, and mental state.Neuro involves your neurology, meaning your nervous system.


Is Homemaking Doing a Come Back?

A Quick Overview of Today's Issues - Woke Culture and an Evolutionary Psychologist - Blueprint to a $900/day - War on Carbon - Blueprint for Holistic Health

“Homemaking, as it was once known, was a vital aspect of family life. It encompassed the art of creating a warm, welcoming, and comfortable home environment. This noble profession was not just about cleaning, cooking, and managing a household, but also about nurturing relationships, building memories, and fostering a sense of belonging.


Rebel by Nature

Christian Corner - Thrive, What Will It Take? - Legacy Program

I was checking different personality tests and realized that I was a rebel at heart. I just don’t like to follow the crowd or bend to rules I don’t think are just and fair. I have questioned ideas from early on.

My first big “going against the flow” moment was at age 16.


The God Particle

+ Fires... Olympics... Too good to be true... Blueprint for Holistic Health

For decades, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona has stated that illness does not arise out of nowhere. It’s connected to the environment a person lives in and the childhood they had. Modern medical doctors are often given just 6 to 10 minutes to speak with a patient, leaving no time to explore these “details,” unfortunately.


Joy, Absurdity and Money

Hydroponics = salad greens everyday

For decades, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona has stated that illness does not arise out of nowhere. It’s connected to the environment a person lives in and the childhood they had. Modern medical doctors are often given just 6 to 10 minutes to speak with a patient, leaving no time to explore these “details,” unfortunately.


Put Your Health in Your Hands

Last Chance to Register: $10K in 60 Days Webinar Tomorrow!

For decades, Dr. Lewis Mehl-Madrona has stated that illness does not arise out of nowhere. It’s connected to the environment a person lives in and the childhood they had. Modern medical doctors are often given just 6 to 10 minutes to speak with a patient, leaving no time to explore these “details,” unfortunately.


How Do You Get a Komodo Dragon Bite in Your Energy System?

Welcome to Absurdistan - Who would benefit from making a 6-figure income with a 2-hr./workday

Though he had been under total anesthesia during the procedure, under hypnosis, he remembered every detail. He recounted the entire procedure in the correct order and even recalled the surgeons' conversation. The anesthesiologist had been complaining about his German Shepherd, who "would not heel."


From Heel to Heal: A Remarkable Case Study on the Power of Hypnosis

Could an online business be a good idea for you? + You vs. Irrational Behavior: Win Any Negotiation with These Tactics

Though he had been under total anesthesia during the procedure, under hypnosis, he remembered every detail. He recounted the entire procedure in the correct order and even recalled the surgeons' conversation. The anesthesiologist had been complaining about his German Shepherd, who "would not heel."


Helping Mothers Stay Home

Passive Income + Trump's Assassination Attempt

I just watched today’s Highwire Show, where Zen Honeycutt from MomsAcrossAmerica.com and Michelle Perro, MD, discussed shocking new studies about toxic substances being found in baby formula.


Is Stress Keeping You Hostage?

Blueprint for Wealth - Dance Like a 71-year Old!

Could stress or fear be holding you hostage? How does it manifest in your life? Are there things you'd like to do but find yourself held back? Do you hesitate to speak up or attend events?


Vaccines, Water and More

30K in 90 Days Challenge!

I am growing more and more enthusiastic.

My focus is on helping mothers (single, married, grand-mothers) who want to make a difference in their own life or the lives of their family.

To kick-start the process, I joined the 30K in 90 Days Challenge. Watch this video to know more about the product and the challenge, and let me know if you have questions.


From Financial Frustration to Solution

New Study on Alcohol

The economy is tough. My slogan used to be “Without Health, there is no Wealth!” And that’s true.

In order to have optimal health, one has to be able to afford quality food, enjoy a massage/spa day on a regular basis, get chiropractic adjustments, take a vacation to relax in a dream place…

Without money, it’s difficult. Health and Wealth have to be in balance.


Is NOT Being Biased Possible?

Health or Wealth, What Is More Important?

As I mentioned before, I have a foot in both the naturopathy/natural health field, and the field of psychology/coaching.

Interestingly, the naturopathy field tend to lean toward the right, and the psychology field toward the left.

What I have noticed is that both sides claim to be neutral when they treat of a subject because they are well versed in the left, right and centrist philosophies.

However, I noticed that they are NOT neutral at all. As soon as I start to read an article or listen to a “neutral” podcast, I can tell right away which way they are leaning.


4th of July Wisdom

Documentaries + Male/Female Brain

Fireworks have a rich and fascinating history that spans over 2,000 years. From their origins in ancient China to their modern-day displays, fireworks have evolved significantly over the centuries.

Ancient China (200 BC)

The earliest recorded use of fireworks dates back to ancient China during the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD). According to legend, fireworks were invented by Chinese alchemists who were experimenting with gunpowder, a mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. They discovered that by filling bamboo tubes with gunpowder and then igniting them, they could create a loud explosion and a burst of sparks.


Contemplate Your Thoughts

People faking wealth and more

Listen to it then change the words. Sing it this way:

My consistent thoughts become…
My reality…
With a thought, thought here,
And a thought, thought there…
Here a thought, there a thought…Everywhere a thought, thought…
My consistent thoughts become…
My reality…

I used to sing this during the day, to help me uncover the thoughts running in my mind during the day.


From Neutrality to Conspiracy

Can Color Make a Difference?

The first 24 years of my life were spent in Switzerland. It was a joyous time. I was surrounded by a loving family. Nature hikes were a delight, as were swimming, skiing, and deep friendships.

My childhood heroes were Heidi, Pollyanna, and Bob Morane, a courageous adventurer who traveled around the globe to rescue people in danger.

Switzerland was a neutral country. Although soldiers had their machine guns at home in case of an invasion, people did not own guns as a general rule.


Gratitude... at a Soul Level

The Love Frequency + Secret Service Agent on Education

When I started my studies, in the 70s, psychoanalysis was in fashion. Clients would lie down on the analyst’s couch and talk. Notes were taken. The following week, you would repeat the process… sometimes for 10 years. At the end, you may get an understanding of why you are facing a challenge.

Nowadays, some problems may disappear in a single session, thanks to our understanding of how the brain works (neuroscience), and especially how it can quickly change (brain plasticity).


The Evolution of Psychology

From Oranges to Depopulation with David Martin

When I started my studies, in the 70s, psychoanalysis was in fashion. Clients would lie down on the analyst’s couch and talk. Notes were taken. The following week, you would repeat the process… sometimes for 10 years. At the end, you may get an understanding of why you are facing a challenge.

Nowadays, some problems may disappear in a single session, thanks to our understanding of how the brain works (neuroscience), and especially how it can quickly change (brain plasticity).


Gratitude AND Productive Dissatisfaction

Stress and Stress Busters

I was thrilled to read these words: PRODUCTIVE DISSATISFACTION.

With this mindset, we could change the world.

I believe we can all agree that being thankful is important. An attitude of gratefulness goes a long way in life.


A Sandpiper Gave My Client a Peaceful Message

Vigilance: The Beginning of Wisdom

I led her into an InterActive Guided Imagery session, to seek wisdom for her situation.

She found herself on a beach, on a lounge chair, under a big parasol. Ocean waves sounds… birds flying around…

Sandpipers were catching bugs. One of them came to her, with a piece of paper in its beak. He placed the paper in her hands.


Mind Control in Everyday Life

Law of Attraction: Science vs. Deception

I love watching the research Derren Brown does; he is one of the greatest mentalists in the world.

Not only does he have a great show, but he also works with law enforcement and medical researchers to demonstrate the power of our minds and how we are often oblivious to the controlling forces in our lives.

Here are two videos I just received in a newsletter that demonstrate how our minds are controlled.


Is Truth Telling the Solution?

+ Hydroponics and Part 2 of LoA: Science vs. Deception

I’ve loved Mattias Desmet’s book The Psychology of Totalitarianism, and am looking forward to his new endeavor about truth telling.

Yes, people are awakening to the lies that pervade society today. I believed it truly got into gear with Edward Bernays’ book Propaganda. Most everything has become manipulation and it is difficult at times to separate truth from lies.


The Law of Attraction Is Doing a Come Back... Are you aware and prepared?

Started a new batch of hydroponics

I was asked to do a presentation on the Law of Attraction, and I chose to go the scientific way, and then turned it into a micro-training, so you can decide, for yourself, whether to follow the science and/or a New Age version.


The Subconscious Leads the Show

Scam and Grow Rich?

Science is a dynamic field where established facts are continually challenged and refined through new questions and research.

This process of constant inquiry and revision is how our knowledge grows. Recently, I watched a presentation that questioned the long-held understanding of gravity. According to new research, gravity might not be what we think it is; instead, it could be an effect of toroidal spin. While the details are complex, the essence is that even fundamental scientific laws are open to re-evaluation


What Triggers You?

The Father of Public Relations Knew How to Trigger People

We are constantly triggered, by what we see, what we hear, what we smell or taste. When we are triggered, we react, positively or negatively.

Have you ever heard somebody’s voice, and gotten chills down your spine, even though you didn’t know who the person was, yet his/her voice triggered a subconscious memory to which your amygdala reacted, always there to protect you by initiating the fight/flight/freeze/fawn response?


Getting Older, Getting Wiser

Addictions - News I Trust

I am fortunate to belong to a group where I met JW Wilson, the author of Cracking the Learning Code, a 900+ page book on the latest research and development regarding the workings of the brain, a subject that has fascinated me since my teenage years.

One question I had was, “How is it that my mother, although losing her short term memory, is growing so much in wisdom?”

Here are some answers and hope for the “aging” brain, which you might appreciate:


Celebrating Mothers' Day

Facing Facts is NOT negative!

I’ve been reminiscing on the good times I’ve had with my mother, gone for a little over 3 months now. It was my first Mother’s Day where I could not hear her physical voice, although she lives in my heart forever. Mom, I miss you.

I just read an article by Heidi Ganahl, whom I met several years ago. My message was going to be along the same lines: we cannot stand on the sidelines any longer, and mothers are powerful.


Joy vs. Discouragement

My presentation at the Heartland Hypnosis Conference

My way of fighting this attack on our health is to vote with my dollars: I refuse to buy chemical food. As this was not my first trip across states, I was prepared and had brought home made food with me, enough to last through the conference.

This was good planning, as I found that health food stores were quite lacking in St. Louis. I was told that ALDI was the place to go for “fresh” food. However, I know ALDI offers food covered in Apeel as well as bioengineered food. Nope, not for me.


When Hearts Break

The end of a relationship + some positive news

More often than not, couples do NOT fight over what’s happening in the present. They filter everything through past events that marked their psyche (unless they worked on the depotentiation of the past), and see everything through that filter.

What I see at its source is the lack of meaningful conversations. The important word here is “meaningful.” When we keep rehashing past problems, they get reinforced in our brain wiring. They also get distorted. Did you know that a memory does not stay stagnant… unless it’s kept untouched?


Yes, YOU Can Be Healthy!


One of the reasons that I do NOT eat “junk food,” i.e. food high in calories and low in nutrients, is that buying these products sustains industries bent on harming our health… so that we later on will need pharmaceuticals.

We vote with our $… so vote wisely! It may be more expensive to support your local farmer, yet in the long run, you are going to feel better physically, and emotionally as well because good deeds raise your energy.


Science vs. Junk Science

Some scientific videos

Many people are preparing with food, emergency supplies and ammunition, yet preparing also entails emotional mastery and mental fitness, which is what I offer as group coaching. Contact me if you’d like to know more.

Why not use some “silly” techniques proven by neuroscience to have an impact on stress and anxiety? Go to my website (bottom of the page and/or popup when you exit), and get your free download.


Where Does Anxiety Come From? What Can You Do to Start Mitigating It?

A relaxation audio with healing frequencies

Many people are preparing with food, emergency supplies and ammunition, yet preparing also entails emotional mastery and mental fitness, which is what I offer as group coaching. Contact me if you’d like to know more.

Why not use some “silly” techniques proven by neuroscience to have an impact on stress and anxiety? Go to my website (bottom of the page and/or popup when you exit), and get your free download.


Another Step With Cancer's New Paradigm

The Power of Music to Unify the World

Did you know… some $35 Trillion, that’s with a “T”, are spent every year on what is called healthcare (= disease care) in the United States, which ranks down at place 64 on the World’s Healthiest Nations’ Chart.


In 2020, cancer was the leading cause of death in the world, accounting for almost 10 million people, i.e. about 27,400 per day.


Switzerland Is Prepping... 18,000 Tons of Coffee

What Does a Spider Have to Do With Coffee and Yes, YOU Can Improve Your Health!

In 2019, the government did not think that coffee, which has practically no nutritional value, was an important part of this emergency stockpile and was going to remove it. There was an outcry from the population, and coffee is now stockpiled - 18,000 tons of it - on “psychological ground.”

Coffee is an interesting “food.” It actually acts more like a drug than a food, and is sometimes demonized, sometimes idolized.


Glucose, Stress and Cancer

Big Mac anyone? + Abortion, a most controversial subject

Continuing with our journey in the new cancer paradigm, let’s talk about glucose and stress.

Bloodstream glucose seems to be another important marker for the onset of cancer as well as for longevity. Our bodies, especially the brain, need glucose to function. Too little glucose: our cells starve and begin to die. Too much glucose: water is drawn out of our cells, leading to cell dehydration and destruction...


"You Will Be Left Behind!" Meme

Climate Viewers and Where to get reliable news

I’ve attended several meetings with business men and women, during which we were talking about the AI revolution. I keep hearing, “If you don’t get on-board, you will be left behind.”

After one such meeting, it dawned on me that this, “If you don’t get on-board, you will be left behind” theme has been used in many other instances.


We Continue On Cancer's New Paradigm

With an important step to clean our lives from toxins

I met a wealthy investor a few years ago, who had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, a fast growing one, with maybe 2 months to live. Fortunately, he had the money to go to Mexico for monthly treatments which worked well for him. Months after months, he sent the x-rays of the shrinking tumor to his doctors in New York City.

What was intriguing was his take on the economics of cancer. According to him, it was a money-making machine and, without it, America would have economic problems.


How Would You Live Without Damoclès Sword Hanging Above Your Head?

What Are They Doing With "Food?"

In this writing, I am focusing on catastrophic illnesses, and particularly on cancer. People fear the potential day they may be told the bad news: “You have been diagnosed with … and you have … weeks/months to live. It would be a good idea to set your affairs in order.”

Like Damoclès sword hanging over our head… we often live with this eerie feeling of “what if…”


Cancer Touches 50% of the US Population. What Can YOU Do to Be Response-Able?

3 short videos: Foundations, Energy of Food and All About Drinks

Globally, 26,000 people a day die from cancer. In 2020, 1600 Americans died of cancer, every day. The latest statistics state that 50% of Americans will die of cancer. Look around you: 50% of the people you see will face cancer!

I have learned over many decades that cancer has an emotional cause related to it, which is neglected in today’s climate. We go to war: surgery (I had 13 surgeries for skin cancer in my teens), radiation, chemo…

Nothing about lifestyle and emotional causes!


How Are You Spending Your Energy $

Cancer: 26,000 people per day death toll - Programmed to Grieve?

Globally, 26,000 people a day die from cancer. In 2020, 1600 Americans died of cancer, every day. The latest statistics state that 50% of Americans will die of cancer. Look around you: 50% of the people you see will face cancer!

I have learned over many decades that cancer has an emotional cause related to it, which is neglected in today’s climate. We go to war: surgery (I had 13 surgeries for skin cancer in my teens), radiation, chemo…

Nothing about lifestyle and emotional causes!


Mitigate the Stress of the Common Cold

Links: Shedding Info, QR Codes, Censorship, Apeel, Inspiralizing and Hydroponics

I don’t directly work on diseases; I work on the stress, the emotions and the mindset behind an issue. I help people to maintain/restore their health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually using neuroscience and brain plasticity breakthroughs.

In the group I mentioned above, nobody shared the power of the Tapping Techniques to mitigate the effects of a cold. That’s why I made this short video, followed by a mini-course if you are interested.


Danger: Acorn... and How Priming Works

... and the Archeology of Sex

2 cops arrested a guy and placed him in the back of their police car. Suddenly, one of the cops yelled, “Shots fired.” He rolled down on the grass beside the car and started shooting at the patrol car. His colleague joined him. They called for back-up.


From Food to Mood

See the Energy of Food... Listen to the Sound of Food...

I’ve offered this workshop at Natural Grocers and on online webinars. I thought I would record it for you.

Food has a lot of impact on our mood, as you will hear.

I firmly believe that if schools, hospitals and prisons had organic gardens, we would live in a better place.

It only took 2 weeks for a 9-year old boy to totally change his behavior, from wanting to blow up his school to becoming a model student, by turning to organic rice and beans instead of junk food and soda.


Let's Talk About Emotions - Energy in Motion

+ Are Plants Conscious? + 102-year old practicing physician

Some emotions are more empowering than others, although on a spectrum.

Let’s take anger as an example: extreme anger turning to rage can be very destructive. However, anger toward a situation can lead us out of depression/hopelessness.

I remember a therapist telling me, during a divorce situation, “Depression will not help you; get angry and take action!”


Happiness, Utopia or Necessity?

The 1950s hijacking of happiness

Wikipedia defines it this way: “Happiness is a positive and pleasant emotion, ranging from contentment to intense joy. Moments of happiness may be triggered by positive life experiences or thoughts, but sometimes it may arise from no obvious cause. The level of happiness for longer periods of time is more strongly correlated with levels of life satisfaction, subjective well-being, flourishing and eudaimonia (good spirit, highest human good).”


Grieving, a part of the human experience

For you, Mom, until we meet again...

Mom passed away peacefully on January 30, 2024 around 8:00 am in Switzerland. Her heart simply stopped beating.

I knew that day was getting near, and I thought I was prepared for it. Mom had been declining for a while, mentally as well as physically. While she had what the doctor called a “happy dementia,” she had not been cheerful these last couple of weeks.

I live in the United States… Mom and Dad are in Switzerland. We got in the habit of having a weekly Sunday chat, yet lately, I had called every few days.


Dystopia and Hope

Be wise, learn and take a stand

I watched a short clip yesterday of somebody offering $100 to young adults (old teenagers) if they could solve this problem:

“A car is going 80 miles/hr. How long would it take for it to cover 80 miles?”

Sounds quite simple, right?

First answer: 15 min.

Second answer: 40 min. Yes, absolutely, 40 min.


How the notion of "family" has been devalued

In books... songs... movies...

My first awakening to the “problem” was checking the books that were popular while I was homeschooling my 7 children.

In most of them the hero/heroine of the stories were children and/or teenagers or very young adults. They came from one-parent families and were the saviors in dire situations.

The books I read as a child growing up in Switzerland were also about children having adventures, yet it was in the context of a family. Le Clan des Sept (The Clan of Seven) and Le Club des Cinq (The Club of Five) were both about families meeting during summer vacations.


A different worldview, much more positive

Add to gain knowledge, simplify to gain wisdom

Many models of the world are made in a linear fashion with computers and, even though these models have failed over and over, they are still presented to us as the truth in the media.

Humans are not machines and do NOT progress in a linear fashion. Humans can cooperate, and when they do, “miracles” do happen.


Tips and Techniques for Stress and Anxiety Relief

A Webinar

From time to time, I will share recorded webinars to empower you to become “independently healthy,” body, mind, soul and spirit.

In this 24:20 min. webinar, you will learn and practice 3 techniques to help dissolve stress, worry and anxiety. These techniques are easy to learn and use. However, do NOT let their simplicity derail you: they are powerful, as shown on brain imagery. They do, quite rapidly, change the wiring of the brain.


It's Easier to Experience Joy When You Are Healthy

With Links About Shrimps, Becoming Wiser and Never Too Late to Live Your Dream

Over the years, I’ve studied aspects of dark psychology/hypnosis. Why? I grew up in Switzerland. Heidi and Pollyanna were my childhood heroes, life was beautiful. I came to the USA in 1979, and ended up in a “Christian” cult where women were taught that God wanted them to submit to the pastor and husband “unto death.” I almost complied.

I was wondering how, as an independent and confident young woman who traveled the world, I fell into this trap that terrorized me. After all, who would dare to anger a powerful God. My research led me to study mind control.

One one end of the spectrum, we have the doomsday people, seeing the end of the world, with unnamable atrocities.

On the other end, we have the “just believe in miracle” crowd, who look at the world with rose-colored glasses.


Welcome to 2024!

A year of surprises, hope and confidence

I’ve always read, researched and studied a lot… and still do to this day.

Reading daily newsletters about health, science, politics and miscellaneous, tends to often leave with a befuddled mind. One author treats a subject and immediately is contradicted by another. Strange times we live in.

Of course, I have my favorite authors whom I choose to trust and follow… yet still, we seem to be facing a soup of unknown.

One one end of the spectrum, we have the doomsday people, seeing the end of the world, with unnamable atrocities.

On the other end, we have the “just believe in miracle” crowd, who look at the world with rose-colored glasses.


Enjoy Christmas and/or a Time of Celebration or Reflection

Oops... I missed a week.

My mind played tricks on me: I thought Christmas was going to be next weekend… It’s the day after tomorrow…

So nothing special, nothing “serious” today.

I want to wish you all a time of peace, of cheers, of wisdom, of love, of joy, of authenticity… and maybe also of resolution.

Grief can be strong for some during this “cheerful” season. Take a deep breath, love yourself… do something good for you, just for you… just for a minute… and another minute…


"Positivity Run Amok: When Good Intentions Transform into Cult-Like Behavior"

+ Healing Frequencies, Hydroponic Greens Ready to Be Picked, and more...

For the longest time, I wore rose-colored glasses, embracing a Pollyanna way of life that only saw positivity in every twist and turn of life. I taught the idea of the "Law of Attraction" long before it became a buzzword with the movie The Secret.

It was an enticing concept—just believe, and everything will fall into place. Make Dream Boards, Vision Boards… Like winning at the slot machines in Las Vegas, sometimes it worked like magic. Yet, life has a way of throwing curveballs. ...


What Comes First, the Chicken or the Egg?

I made Sauerkraut, Kimchi and Pickled Onions - What Egg Is the Best? - Children Toys Warning

Part of this message was sent in a newsletter on May 22, 2023. I wanted to transfer it here and save it before it disappeared. I added some comments.

As a metaphor, think about what happens when you don’t brush/clean your teeth for a few days. You accumulate “yuk,” right? It is the same with the mind. It’s important to “clear the air” on a daily basis if we want to manage stress, prevent the accumulation of toxic thoughts, and stay healthy.

Nowadays, stress is at an all time high. People "die suddenly," get angry at the slightest misunderstanding or burnout and can no longer work.


Evolution of a Belief... Removed by Youtube

Update on my mini indoor hydroponic gardens

Being removed by AI from Youtube and Facebook is what prompted me to move to Substack. I’ve been sharing my beliefs and my life experience, and AI does NOT like it. Too bad… They are losing customers!



Gratefulness Streaming Could Increase Your IQ

And my mini hydroponic "farm" re-start-up

When I was homeschooling my children, I studied the work of the late Win Wenger and his “Jedi School.” Children would finish 3rd or 4th grade in 3-4 weeks. College was done in 9 weeks if I remember well.

Win Wenger combined the Socratic method of asking questions with the use of the imagination, of Einstein fame.
